Daniel Lewis


Every day that Daniel wakes up, he feels blessed and praises God for his life! Before recommitting his life to the Lord on July 13, 2023, his past was a bit on the wild side. He was raised by a church-going family as a child, however his parents often struggled and eventually divorced. This caused Daniel to feel a separation from God in his life. Over the years, he has lived as though he were a prodigal son, not realizing God’s providence was in control the whole time. Since moving to Maryland in 2015, he married an amazing, wonderful, and loving woman named Kristen. Together they have two boys, Decklan and Trace, and they call Greenland Beach their home. Now with a family of his own, he felt there was something missing – something he had felt as a child. God led him to Bay Life Church in October of 2022 through a community outreach function, and he became a member shortly thereafter. He plays drums every Sunday on the Worship Team, and serves wherever and whenever there is a need. He lives a Christ-centered life now and is on fire for God! Being delivered from substance abuse and depression, he now focuses on raising and showing his boys the wonderful love and power of God. Daniel’s favorite bible verse is Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Bay Life Church is blessed to have Daniel serve on the Deacon Team.

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